Monday, May 10, 2010


Ugh, today, after school, i was walking home like any other day. But when i got home...

Strange Thing 1: The car was gone

Strange Thing 2: The door was locked

Strange Thing 3: No-one was home

Weird right? So i was waiting and waiting and, by the way it was like 9 degrees so i was freezing right to the bone; i finally got tired of waiting and tried to go to school to ask to use the office phone. But when i got there they told me some weird crap shit like 'oh u cant use it coz u hav to ask the co-ordinater and stuff.' so i go to see the co-ordinater in his office which is like on the other side of the building and when i get there...bada bing bada boom! he's not there :( then i went to the office again to tell them he isnt there but they're like 'oh no ur juz gonna hav to wait' arrggh!!!!!!! so i walk all the way back home again, n then i walk back to school n then bac again, hoping some1 will call me to tell me what the heck is going on, and finally when i go to school 4 the last time i see my couz walking bac from detention and then FINALLY! we walk home n [thank god!] he has the key to the hse so we finally finally finally get in....and when i get to the phone i start ringing my family n then i find out that my aunt n uncle r at my other couz's parent teacher interview! i mean, they didnt even think to call me n say that they're not gonna be home 4 45 mins???? :(:(:(:(:(:( [i hav a phone but no credit in case ur wondering] :(.....

so all in all i had a pretty crap ending to a day :(

bye bye all! i'll post l8ter :D ilysm!

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